Friday 5 August 2011

River Teme part 2

After my last blog i was going to get back on the Severn but couldn't resist another bash at stalking on the Teme near Worcester.

Its a long trek from the car park but hopefully it'll be worth it. No fancy gear or rigs with this approach just a size 6 hook and a big lump of cheese free lined then cast upstream and let it trundle down.

 Looks like it's going to be a good day when on the second cast i hook this chub. Not what Im after but not a bad start. 
Every swim i look at has loads of chub cruising about on top just like carp do but creeping down the bank without spooking them is a nightmare.
not the best photo but my 1st attempt at self photography.

I limit myself to 1 fish per swim but cant resist another cast and on this occasion it pays off and i get another bonus chub but still no sign of barbel.

Most the time if your lucky enough to connect though it usually kills a swim so on to the next one. Which is what makes this so effective rather than waiting for the fish to regain confidence just peg hop to the next fishy looking swim.

Getting better at the photo's on my own

 After 6 six chub a couple of chublets im getting a little bored and dying to get a proper fight off a barb on my new rod.
I spot a shoal of barbel in a shallow gravel run but guess what no peg there i can only view them from the steep bank above and wish i could drop in a line but there no chance of landing them so i just watch.

So i walk upsteam past the gravel run and have a cast and straight away im. Fingers crossed is this the barbel i've been waiting for??? No such luck another chub..

No peg!!! TORTURE
 after watching the shoal of barbel again i come up with a plan this time i go to the peg downstream and try to cast upstream to them but its too overgrown. As its only shallow i decide sod it im not going home without 1 so i get in,my new boots are soaked as the waters bout 3inch's over them lol

Good things come to those that wait as on 1st cast with my curried luncheon meat its finally taken by a barb

 I fully expect it to be over now as i've spooked the shoal but within a couple of mins there  are chub and barbel just swimming inches away from from my feet. it was an amazing experience one i'll never forget. its pretty exciting stuff watching a barbel take freelined meat in just 18in of water and then trying to stop them tearing off down stream. I manage a couple more before they finally retreat for good.
A great day one of my most memorable just for the the sheer excitement and the fact that i never saw another person all day. That's what i call getting away from it all..


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