Sunday 19 June 2011

Severn at Arley June 19th 2011

After a good day in the week knew today would be hard. How right i was.
Got there at about 1pm and couldn't get on the pegs we wanted so settled for this very scenic spot. if you look closely you can see the footbridge at Arley in the background. 

                            And by 5pm still no action unless you count the constant flood of canoeists.

waiting apprehensively for a bite, any bite please!!!

Anyhow come 7pm and a few cases of 1 last cast syndrome i got my rewards again on sbs frankfurter pellets.when after a spirited scrap this Barbel finally rolled over the net.

8lb 14oz
Any my son not to be outdone decided he was having "1 last cast" and with it he up'd his pb little sod!!!
Reece's pb 9lb 

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