Tuesday 26 July 2011

Trimpley A great start and a disastrous end

Talk about a session of 2 half's.

Up at 4am and at Trimpley for ten past ready for the long walk to the B.A.A water. By the time i get to my chosen peg its 4.35am and the sun is blazing through.

The river appears to have risen a few inches after the much needed recent rain and is slightly chocolatey.
I set up 2 rods 1 on halibut pellet the other on sbs frankfurter pellets. Both with 2oz open feeders using hemp liquidised corn and a mixture of 3,6 and 8mm pellets with marine halibut groundbait mixed using the oily water left over from cooking the hemp. After 20mins of building up the swim my left hand rod wraps round (halibut pellet)and its my first barb of the day only small bout 2lb but it still gets my blood flowing. Unfortunately the barbel feeding frenzy doesn't last as the next 5 fish are all chub and none are much over a pound. followed by a little trout.

 A friend of mine Steve Upton with a decent Severn perch

After a couple of hours i decide to move right to the other end of the water up near victoria bridge. A move which seems to pay off as first cast !!!

but unfortunately my swim now appears dead!!! nothing for the next hour and a half when just as im pouring a cuppa my rod is violently ripped from the rest and pulled into the river luckily for me the its only shallow up this end so i take a dip in the drink and retrieve it. Thank god for polarising glasses so i could see the bottom as i waded out and the culprit????
Gotta come up with a way of anchoring my rod down for next time as those bites always come when you least expect them ie pouring a cuppa or answering the call of nature lol. Lets see what i come up with????

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